I got tagged by
Tricia from Hippie Family fora meme: Six UN-Spectacular Things About Me.
Here are the rules...
1. Link the person who tagged you
2. Mention the rules on your blog
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged
I don't think I will have any issue coming up with 6 Un-Spectacular Things About Me. I may have an issue finding 6 Blogging friends. I guess no time like the present to make new friends.
1. I have a HUGE pet peeve....I hate in when people call the vegetable pumpkin...PUNKIN. What happen to the "M" and the "P"? I don't mind if you call you dear child Punkin....but not the big orange ball that grows in the ground. ....I'm just sayin...
2. I have a sister who is 18 years younger than me. I love her to pieces. Shout out to Kelsey. You make me very proud to be your sister.
3. I have worked with the same person at 3 different jobs. Is that not weird? Of course, I hate his guts. Boy George...enough said. (I think only Karla will get that, unless Angie happens to read my blog)
4. I dated my husband for 10 years before we married. I told him that we automatically get to add ten years on to all of our anniversaries. This year we will be celebrating 13 (actually 3, but you get it). We were married in Jamaica. He says that the Jamaican marriage certificate has an "opt out" clause after 4 years. I then commented that it works both ways. Next year is 4...so we will see. LOL.
5. I was the first in my family to graduate with a Bachelor's degree. That is something I am very proud of to this day. Now only if I could find a job that utilizes that degree....hahaha.
6. I am very much afraid of walking on grates. I was not aware of this until about 5 years ago. I was in Chicago with my husband (boyfriend at the time) and another couple. We were walking back from dinner and crossed the road (which was sort of an overpass). We had to walk on a grate to get to the other side. I made it to about the middle and completely froze and started bawling my eyes out. I could see the cars driving on the road under me. I barely made it to the other side. Needless to say...I walk around grates now.
People I am taggin...
1. Karla from
Zander and Me - She has already done this...so I am kind cheating. Okay....I am really cheating.
2. Lindsey from
The McMeens - Don't know if she will do it...but I am at a loss. I don't know very many people with blogs.
That is it. Every other blog that I go to already did this. So...I am breaking the chain. I so hope I don't get bad news in the next 48 hours or I won't get a call from my one true love in 1 week at 11:00 am. Gosh...it feels good to be bad sometimes.
Okay Karla...are you happy. I posted. I will try to get better. I promise. You just make it so hard, cause your posts are sooooooooooo good.